Welcome to jubalrife.net!

Hello World!

My name is Jubal Rife. I'm a Software developer with over nine years of experience working in a small but exceptional team to develop and maintain a full stack application and suite of services including many inter-company service solutions.

I have worked for the same company for the majority of my career. Over the course of this work I have advanced from a junior developer to a staff engineer position. I have worked with many different technologies and have a wide set of responsibilities including dev-ops, development, mentorship, architecture design, and project management.

I am a lifelong learner and toolbuilder. I seek out technologies, ideas, and practices that I am not familiar with to improve my knowledge and skills. I am always working towards greater personal effectiveness, mentorship, and leadership. While being employed by the same company for a long period of time has many benefits, it can lead to knowledge blind-spots, reliance on in-house tooling, and habitual decision making (company status-quo). I hope to resist these natural forces by staying curious, staying aware, and learning new things through study and practice.

I may not (or in some cases cannot) share all of my learning experiences on this site, but I plan to use this as one of my tools for both learning and sharing what I have learned.

Thanks for visiting!

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